Tough Choices...
Hello blog readers,
I apologize for the delay in posting but it's been a busy start to the month of March for your boy over here! I have to admit, I'm having Deja-vu lately & allow me to explain. First off, doing this blog is giving me flashbacks to lovely production weeks working on the award winning Lewis Flyer newspaper. Man I miss the people, the deadlines & most of all the laying out & editing of everyone's pieces of work. I had some great times with some truly amazing people those 3 years I spent on that paper as a member of the editorial team.
Secondly, my son is playing basketball, well a little mini drill camp that lasts 6 weeks & it has me dying to play basketball again. I know what you're thinking...Tim you played basketball? I used to play 3-4 times a week at the local rec center & could run up & down the court with the best of them during my high school & college days. It has me thinking I'm going to join again this summer & take my son up there with me to continue practicing & heck play a little one on one!
Tough Choices...that's where my head is at right now. Things aren't always what they seem if ya know what I mean. The surface may appear calm but below it, there's a flurry of activity (man what line is that movie from)? It escapes me at the moment...but I just feel like I'm entering a cross road right now & if I'm being honest---I don't know what path to take. I'm not going to dive into anything specifically but I feel like my head is being torn into 6 different directions. I know this too shall pass, at least I hope so, but right now I just feel like I'm headed for a bit of a rough patch.
How does one deal with tough choices? Friends, family of course but sometimes one has to take it upon their self right? Rely on others to help with the problem? Maybe, but can they be trusted to do what is necessary to get the job done? With thinking about my past so much, I can't help but wonder what if? I often think what if I chose a different area of study in college? I love writing, I miss it & it's the calling that led me to start this terrific little blog back up. I don't know what other major I would of chosen to pursue at this time in my life. I don't know what else I would really enjoy doing if I'm being honest.
I tried my foot in banking for little over a year & that was less than enjoyable mostly due to a certain manager. I wish I sometimes lived in different part of the country where the entertainment hot spots are & wonder if I could of made it as an entertainment reporter/blogger or whatever...It all leads back to tough choices. Do I love my life now--of course I do. I'm blessed with 2 wonderful children & an incredible wife. Healthy family members for the most part, what more could one want? Life isn't perfect & I need to admit to myself I can't control everything & everyone around me sometimes. It's hard to relinquish control & it's something I'm trying to better myself at.
Tough choices are going to be a part of all of our lives. Maybe not everyday but they tend to rear their ugly head more often that not at least to me as of late. How we handle them, how we overcome them, that's what matters. Taking a step back, taking a deep breath & realizing not everyday is going to go how I want it to is ok! Sure does sound good while I type this out...
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